APink Charms Fans Once Again At '2018 APink Asia Tour' In Malaysia

APink Charms Fans Once Again At '2018 APink Asia Tour' In Malaysia

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

It was definitely a fruitful night for Pink Pandas as APink finally held their long-awaited 2-hour 2018 APink Asia Tour concert at Menara PGRM, Kuala Lumpur on 9th September 2018!

As you might have not know, this is not the first time APink have visited Malaysia, as they were here for several events including 2017 K-WAVE Music Festival and MTV World Stage 2015. Because of the overwhelming support and endless love received from their fans, APink decided to bring their bright and charming attitude to their Malaysian fans again on their own first full concert in Kuala Lumpur!
The venue was filled with loud screams and fan chants as APink started off the show with their new hit song, ‘I’m So Sick!’ The girls were dressed in cobalt blue outfits and killer high heels, leaving the fans completely in awe with their charismatic stage presence.

Malaysian Pink Pandas were on cloud nine as APink performed their other songs including ‘FIVE’ and ‘Only One’.  Eunji, Bomi, and Namjoo’s high notes wow-ed the crowd, hyping the fans even more as they were impressed with their live vocals! (Check out the video below)
After performing several songs, the girls took a short break to introduce themselves individually. They expressed how happy they are to have their own full concert in Malaysia finally after visiting here several times in the past. Not only that, Bomi also funnily mentioned that she is finding her fans who went to their high touch 6 years ago! (Were you one of them?)
APink proceeded the show with ‘Boom Pow Love’ and ‘Kok Kok’. The girls also performed their new song including ‘Miss You’ that is specially dedicated for the fans, the girls also explained that the song has meaningful lyrics, expressing how they are longing for the fans when they are away. (The girls’ performance really melted out hearts!)
The girls also revealed that they have been coming up with solo promotions recently. Eunji excitedly announced that she will be releasing a solo album and will also be starring in a horror movie soon. Naeun also asked for the fans to support her as she will be in a drama as well! Hayoung also cutely mentioned that she has been learning English recently and the members jokingly pressured her to talk in English! (See the video below!)
The concert got even more exciting as the girls switched to red dresses for their next stage performance called ‘Alright’. The girls were beaming with happiness, pouring out their upmost energy and took every moment to interact with their fans! (Their fan service is really no joke!)
They also performed their ultimate hit songs including 'No No No', 'Mr. Chu', and 'LUV'.
As the show almost come to an end, the girls bid farewell to the fans by throwing autographed bright coloured balls to the fans whlist performing their songs, 'Promise Me' and 'The Wave’.  
The members also expressed how grateful they are with all the love and gifts they are still receiving from Malaysian Pink Pandas. Despite the language barrier, Hayoung and Chorong were very thankful that the fans took effort to learn Korean language to communicate with them. 
Last but not least, APink members mentioned that if there is another opportunity that will fall onto their laps, the girls would definitely come back to have their own concert again. 
Naeun also said, “If you are always here for us, we will always be there for all of you too.”

Would you like to see them again? We definitely do!


Here's a short video of Hayoung singing to 'Into The New World' and 'Lil Touch' by Girls' Generation! 

We would like to express our gratitude to Ignatius Asia for inviting us to 2018 APink Asia Tour in Kuala Lumpur

*Photo source: 2018 APink Asia Tour In Malaysia Official FB Page

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